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PostPosted: 07/18/2017 at 12:53 PM    Post subject: Making Aluminum Necks

Hey Guys! I've just discovered this forum, and not only am i impressed by how many people are for this idea, i've been inspired to try to start making them! Do you guys have any resources on learning the technicallities of making a guitar neck out of aluminum? I will dive into it anyway, since i have access to machinery needed to cut aluminum, that is, to a company that can do this for me. I have a basic knowledge of how to draw in AutoCAD and i think i could do a fair job of it

So i already know the talks about the tuning stabillity are baseless, or are at least at old instruments that do not have tuning stabillity for other reasons. I saw rick toone, among others, making the highest performance guitars out of aluminum so i'm convinced it can be done, what do you guys think? My biggest gripe would be the truss rod? I understand it doesn't need one, but wouldn't then the neck itself have to be curved inwards to create the perfect backbow that a truss rod creates?

Brian O
PostPosted: 10/17/2017 at 10:11 PM    Post subject: RE:Making Aluminum Necks

How are you doing with your ideas?

PostPosted: 10/19/2017 at 11:04 AM    Post subject: RE:Making Aluminum Necks

Oh, it's going along very well, i will post some of my work in a few days if you'd like, either way, i've spent the past month or so of my free time mostly on research and "development" of the neck i will make, the exact specs and so on. The only thing left to figure out is the fretwork, because where i live, nobody has ever worked on aluminum neck guitars, and they aren't to keen on working anyway, just pointing out flaws in the design. The remarks were:
"The frets will be impossible to replace".
"The temperature changes will make the frets get displaced and go out of the slots"
"It requires some special glue for aluminum and stainless steel"
Those are the most seemingly valid, but yet unsubstantiated claims that i've received from the local guitar service workers.

Brian O
PostPosted: 10/20/2017 at 11:32 AM    Post subject: RE:Making Aluminum Necks

I have not done the fretboard from aluminum but bond those onto the aluminum body
I would like to do the fretboard from aluminum soon,
The fret spacing data ia available,
The .023 fret wire slots are the trick, I can get ebony pre radius'd and slotted for $15
Bond them on with a jig
can't do pictures here check the for this.
start a new thread of metal necks.

PostPosted: 11/03/2017 at 02:55 AM    Post subject: RE:Making Aluminum Necks

I started a thread on for my project, here it is:

PostPosted: 01/28/2018 at 1:13 PM    Post subject: RE:Making Aluminum Necks

check Alef Guitars for Aluminium Necks

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