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PostPosted: 01/12/2008 at 4:42 PM    Post subject: fretless metal fingerboards?

greetings everyone! very inofrmative site.
i came here via some research into fretless electric guitars...were a pretty avid community, and i can see, so are you folks!

A lot of fretless electric guitars have used either wood or phenolic but there is at least one production companies ( Vigier) that use an alloy metal fingerboard for their fretless electrics ( we'e talking guitars here, not basses).. The fretless community is also a pretty big DIY crowd, so some of us were wondering about working a bit with metal.

one concern that comes up is how to attach the board; some folks have had metal boards pop right off. For those who are attaching phenolic or wooden boards to metal necks ( which is the reverse of what were trying to do, but i think the issues involved would be the same), whats the best bonding agent and method?

theres also some discussion centering around alloys -- Brass or bronze seem to be the most discussed as having the most potential, and Vigier has a patent on their alloy, so were really just guessing. Any one workwd with other metals, or can describe how aluminum would compare acoustically or how easy/hard various metals might be to work with fo this purpose?

PostPosted: 01/13/2008 at 08:39 AM    Post subject:


Very interesting! I think you may want to contact EGC (hopefully they'll see this thread and comment). They have lumy fretboard, but it's part of the entire lumy neck.. so it's not exactly what you're looking for. He's a great craftsman.. so he might have some interesting ideas.

Good luck.. and keep us posted on what you find out.


PostPosted: 06/27/2008 at 01:41 AM    Post subject: metal fingerboards redux - aluminum alloys?

thanks for the reply1
still working with this project, and current builder is advocating aluminum.... been doign another round of research,, and am wondering what peoples experiences ae with alloys , finishes, etc.

it seems 6061-T6 is almost the universal standard, but im also finding form various metal supliers that 6063 apparently has a smoother surface finish, which, for a fretless fingerboard application, might be better. anyone worked with or prototyped 6063 for its acoustic properties, and if so , what are folks' thoughts?

i also thought, while going down this road, why not have the fingerboard anodized to a nice deep red or burgundy/maroon.... but that in turn brings upt he whole anodizing process. Given the near constant abrasion of strings (this is for an east Indian style of music, style application, so its played with continuous sliding around , between ,and to the notes), will the anodization wear off/? how best to finish /seal an aluminum board , anodized or not?

many thanks, all....

PostPosted: 07/25/2008 at 8:17 PM    Post subject:

need to bump this thread ,as im really hoping to hear from folks regarding the pros and cons of anodizing a fretless aluminum board... opinions anyone, please?

many thanks...

PostPosted: 07/29/2008 at 06:53 AM    Post subject: Fretboards

T6061 and T7075 are the only alloys Id mess with. T6063 is really gummy when machining and softer(hence the easy finishing). Its used mainly as a bendable alloy, tube/pipe etc.

The fretboard will be eaten up fairly quickly due to the strings, but its nothing more than surface scratches and wont interfer will playing. Ano is really thin and scratches easily, the only option is hard ano and from what I understand it only comes in clear(almost green) and black. Its tough stuff and takes carbide to cut it.

PostPosted: 07/29/2008 at 11:01 AM    Post subject:

thanks Kevin... that confirms a lot of what im finding out. im also toying with the idea of a teflon -impregnated hard anodize , but not sure on that...

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