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  Kramer 650g

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PostPosted: 04/16/2010 at 04:18 AM    Post subject: Kramer 650g

Hi - I've got a Kramer 650g that I'm looking to sell and was wondering if anyone knew roughly what they're going for these days? It's in great condition with it's original case (minus the original plastic handle which disintegrated!!). I bought it for £800 ($1200) back in 2002 but I suspect I might have overpaid for it at the time... Any thoughts/suggestions would be welcome.

robfawkes (at) gmail (dot) com

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PostPosted: 04/24/2010 at 1:28 PM    Post subject: update

In case anyone's interested:

Over at kramerforum someone was talking about one being sold on eBay for $2377 back in 2008.

...and I've found a place called Guitar Museum that sold one that same year for $1799

Pretty varied! I'm really interested to know what everyone thinks.


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PostPosted: 01/09/2011 at 07:03 AM    Post subject: RE:Kramer 650g

Hey man, are you still looking to sell your kramer?

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PostPosted: 01/09/2011 at 09:24 AM    Post subject: RE:Kramer 650g

Hi - No sorry. I sold it last summer for £950 (GBP). Looks like the top end models have started creeping up! Good luck with your search!


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PostPosted: 01/24/2013 at 3:46 PM    Post subject: RE:Kramer 650g

Hi I'm selling a 650g for £900 or nearest offer. Give me a shout on richard.venn@gmail.com. It's in great condition and never gigged much by me or previous owner. Pick up only from Stoke Newington in London. Please email me richard.venn@gmail.com if interested.

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