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  Fretting an Aluminium neck

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PostPosted: 04/14/2013 at 5:03 PM    Post subject: Fretting an Aluminium neck

I've been thinking about making my own metal neck, the one thing that I just can't get my head around is how you would fret stainless steel frets into a t6061 fretboard.

Maybe I'm overthinking it. Can it really be as simple as cutting the slots so the frets fit snug, then bonding with epoxy?


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Guitar Garage
PostPosted: 04/25/2013 at 10:38 AM    Post subject: RE:Fretting an Aluminium neck


I experimented with this - using a short piece of aluminum "fretboard" I made from aluminum stock - and yes - its pretty simple and not that different from fretting a wooden fretboard.

There are a few things I'd recommend:
- use a fret-press system, like the one sold by Stewart-Macdonald - this will evenly PUSH the fret into the slot, as opposed to having it bounce around as you try to hammer it in. Well worth the $90 or whatever it costs (and use it with your drill press or buy an arbor press at Harbor Freight for $30!)

- use thick consistency super glue instead of epoxy - if you do use epoxy, then use some slower setting stuff - not the 5-minute epoxy !! Not enough time!

- obviously do any inlays, dot markers, and polishing/shaping BEFORE you insert the frets

How are you shaping your neck ?

Krishna/Guitar Garage, Waltham MA

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Guitar Garage
PostPosted: 04/25/2013 at 10:40 AM    Post subject: RE:Fretting an Aluminium neck

Also - buy your fretting saw from the same place you get the fretwire - or make sure the dimensions are compatible - you want a SLIGHT interference fit - the fret wire IS harder than aluminum, so the tangs will cut in, but aluminum won't compress the way wood will - so if the fit is too tight, the frets will not go in.

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PostPosted: 06/02/2013 at 05:35 AM    Post subject: RE:Fretting an Aluminium neck

Cutting fretslots in aluminium by hand acurately is quite difficult. get one of these blades
from stew mac (provided you have a table saw). perfect slots and you wont need epoxy, the frets should just hammer in nicely. Its what i use to slot my aluminium necks. also takes about 10 minutes as opposed to four hours

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PostPosted: 06/02/2013 at 05:39 AM    Post subject: RE:Fretting an Aluminium neck

Oh and using cutting fluid. just a couple of drops on the blade before you cut each slot.

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Guitar Garage
PostPosted: 06/03/2013 at 3:20 PM    Post subject: RE:Fretting an Aluminium neck - question on table saw blade

GSE - I did buy one of the Stew-Mac slotting blades but then chickened out on using it to slot fretboards because I was worried about it binding up and something catastrophic happening - or shower of aluminum sparks setting my table saw on fire !!

I do have a wax mixture that a neighbor suggested I use as a lubricant.

It sounds like you haven't had any "exciting" events when you used the fretting slotting blade on the table saw for aluminum ?? It works beautifully with wooden fretboards - that's how I make all of mine now (using a sled and the Stew-Mac steel fret templates).


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