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  Missing some Kramers

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PostPosted: 10/28/2006 at 08:21 AM    Post subject: Missing some Kramers

I coulda just posted this in one of the other threads, but I figure this'll give your forum a more "full" look...

I'm just noticing that you're missing some of the Kramer lumies... particularly, the only one that I own as of now: the DMZ 6000B fretless... I'm assuming you're going to divide the fretted, fretless, and half fretted/half fretless Kramers on here.

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PostPosted: 10/28/2006 at 08:37 AM    Post subject: Missing

Also missing the Duke guitars and bass, and the Voyager which was available in aluminum lke mine.

P.S. This is going to be a really interesting site! Great Idea, and thanks to those who made it possible!

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PostPosted: 10/28/2006 at 08:45 AM    Post subject:

Hello bryanedp9

I'll get the DMZ6000Bs in there, I'm missing some of the early models guitars/basses as well. I'll get these added some time today.

Yeah, I'll get the Duke series in as well. Can you give me some info on the Voyager??? I didn't see that at VintageKramer.com, unless I'm just missing it. If you can hook me up with a link, or give me some information.. that'd be awesome!

Thanks for the support guys! It's much appreciated.

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PostPosted: 10/28/2006 at 09:09 AM    Post subject: Voyager

The Voyager is listed on the American Series Page, and was offered with both headless (like Duke) or wood necked designs. The Bass, which I now have, had the double Kramer designed J-Bass pickup. The guitar, which I foolishly got rid of a while back, was available with a single Schaller (I think) humbucker.

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PostPosted: 10/28/2006 at 09:25 AM    Post subject:

Hello Rik

I added that model, and the rest that were mentioned.


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PostPosted: 10/28/2006 at 8:20 PM    Post subject:

Here's a pretty rare one that you might wanna add... http://www.kramerforum.co.....rum/showthread.php?t=5825

If you scroll down a bit, you'll also find a trans. red Stagemaster.

You could just ask these two guys to do the reviews, because you'll probably never find these 2 guitars again. Extremely rare.

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Martin Blatherwick
PostPosted: 11/24/2007 at 10:39 PM    Post subject: Missing Kramer aluminums.

Even though it is rare, and really more of a "novelty" item, the Simmon's Axe bass is not listed. I only mention it as the distributor tried to sell me on it but I really found it ,ahem, silly. Not as good as my other Kramers at all.

Just my 2 bits.


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