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  EGC bass #83

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that damned fly
PostPosted: 08/07/2007 at 6:08 PM    Post subject: EGC bass #83

i like it, it's an amazing bass but it's not for me. anybody want it?

it has two [http://www.riograndepickups.com]rio grande pitbulls in the jazz bass locations. it's wired with pushpull volume knobs to split the coils. i wired it in such a way so that when both humbuckers are split it still hum cancels. i switched out the schaller straplocks with dunlops.



the bass has been played since i got it in march. so it has it share of wear. i use metal picks so there are a couple scratches and dings in the body and on the metal pickup covers.


i have no ways or means to post soundclips.

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