Style of Music: I am in my teens but i love the old music for the 60's and 80's
Comments: This guitars is one of the best ones that i have ever played. I got it used and the guy gave me a discount because I was a young musician. This guitar is like a child to me and I only had to pay 700 bucks for it. I am very happy with this guitar.
Style of Music: if you're playing a PRS thru a low-wattage amp you must be overweight.
Comments: A stunning guitar that combines retro and glam styling with strong tone and playability. Upgrade the pickups if you're into high-gain. If you can find them for under $1k these days, buy it! I own eight of them and will not hesitate to hoard more.
Comments: My only quibble with this guitar is that I got it with two single-coil pickups instead of the humbucker/single-coil that was standard. But, it was done by Vaccaro at my request. This is a beautiful guitar, and is VERY well made. Mine is Deja Blue.
Comments: This guitar my be short on market appeal but is long on craftsmanship. I have been buying and selling guitars for almost twenty years and this is by far one of the coolest guitars I have owned. This is definitely on my keeper list as just a true playable solid guitar. I really would like to own more if you have one that you are looking to part with email me at, Cheers!